
Why Run Freedom Philosophy Courses in Prisons?
As a country, New Zealand still lags well behind more progressive countries like Norway and the Netherlands when it comes to reducing re-offending rates and helping former prisoners reintegrate back into society. (See Video) Our courses focus on helping prisoners to make positive changes so they can live better lives and also reduce reoffending. This is not only helpful for prisoners, it’s better for society at large. The courses sit alongside and support Department of Corrections existing rehabilitation programmes.
The Freedom Philosophy Programme
Currently, the Freedom Philosophy programme runs six courses: Philosophy & Freedom; Philosophy & Resilience; Philosophy & Love;, Philosophy & Success, Philosophy & Potential, and Philosophy & Life. Courses are run over three terms per year usually six weeks per term. Courses are flexible, independent of each other, and can be taken in any order. They form a foundation for students to build better lives. The Feedback received from prison students has been excellent, encouraging us to make them more widely available. (See Feedback)
Our Delivery Approach
Volunteer Tutors and Assistants who are members of our Society deliver the courses. Every student is treated with respect and as an equal. There are no tests or exams, just in-depth discussion leading to putting the teaching into practice. Course certificates and books are presented on completion in a graduation ceremony to celebrate the students’ success. (See Role of Tutors & Assistants)
Liaison with the Department of Corrections
We work closely with the Department of Corrections, especially the Volunteer Co-ordinators, whose assistance is vital and invaluable. The Society is heavily reliant on the support of Corrections within the prison on a day-to-day basis. They help everyone to feel safe and comfortable. Corrections also assist us by purchasing some books and printing the large volumes of course materials for our many participants.